Newshropshire Wiki

May refere to:

New Shropshire (World)

New Shropshire (Federation)

New Shropshire City

Shropshire is the common name for the civilized World. There are currently a total of 21 independent states, and several political constellations. These state control territories outside the core area that is reckoned a part of New Shropshire, whereof some a disputed, that may or may not be a part of New Shropshire.

Large map


Core Shropshire[]

Core Shropshire is the main territory of the 2nd Shropsherean Federation . 5 states make up the territory:New Shropshire City , Western Villages , Northland , South Sea and Eastern Desert

West States[]

The West states is no political constellation, but hardly a term that describes the neareast states to New Shropshire City. These four states are: Herefordshire , Pedestriania , New Forest and Northern Region . Still, these states are involved in a cooperative forum, the West Forum. 

Confederacy of Outer Herefordshire[]

The Confederacy is a political constellation between the 12 states of Outer Herefordshire. These are: Wyvern, South Mainland, Southland, West Isle, Newland, Prosperity Island, Green Lawn, Midlands, East-Westwoods, Westwoods, West-Westwoods and Farmland.


Top 10 settlements
1 New Shropshire City (Forest, Island, Valley, Hills, Shrewsbury, Telford, Empire, Debter, Flange) New Shropshire City 4857
Eastern park view

View from Eastern Park towards Shrewsbury and Empire City high-rises

2 Trade City (Prosperity Island, Green Lanw, Westwoods, Midlands, Wyvern City, Souther Mainland, West Isle) Confederacy 2145
3 Westfield City (Westfield City, Yeast) Herefordshire 1649
Town hall square, westfield 30

Town Hall Square in Westfield City

4 New Forest City (New Forest City, Felton City, Midplain City, Drayton City) New Forest 1214
5 Newland City Newland 839
6 Hereford Town Herefordshire 820
7 Pedestrian City (Pedestrian City, Trenton-in-City) Pedestriania 515
Pedestrian city

North part of Pedestrian city and Trenton

8 Oswestry South Sea 324
9 Cove City (Cove City, Wrekin) Northland 308
10 Coventry Pedestriania 260

Northern part of Coventry towards Northern Sea
